Pupil Development Grant School Statement
This statement details our school’s use of the PDG for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.
It outlines our strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the
effect that last year’s spending had within our school.
School Overview
Detail |
Data |
School name |
Bedwas High School |
Number of learners in school |
688 |
Proportion (%) of PDG eligible learners |
33.9% |
Date this statement was published |
December 2024 |
Date on which it will be reviewed |
April 2025 |
Statement authorised by |
Stephen Diehl |
PDG Lead |
Stephen Diehl |
Governor Lead |
David Davies |
Funding Overview
Detail |
Amount |
PDG funding allocation this academic year |
£264,500 |
Total budget for this academic year |
£264,500 |
Part A: Strategy Plan
Statement of intent
IA1 |
IA2 |
IA3 |
Focus on further enhancing and developing standards and progress in skills for all pupils across the school
Focus on improving the quality and consistency of teaching and learning experiences across the school |
Focus on further developing the care, support and guidance provide to pupils and staff, through development of wellbeing and ALN systems and procedures to ensure that the needs of all learners are catered for and that the school is fully inclusive |
Focus on reviewing and developing leadership roles, responsibilities and self-evaluation systems and process to ensure all learners receive the best provision, while providing value for money |
Intended outcomes
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and
how we will measure whether they have been achieved.
Intended outcome |
Success criteria
Improve reading ages and outcomes for eFSM pupils |
Improvement of reading ages and CP9 outcomes in line with targeted data; reduction in gap between eFSM and nFSM pupils |
Improve attendance and engagement of eFSM pupils |
Reduce rate of exclusions, persistence absence among eFSM pupils; reduce gap in attendance of eFSM and nFSM pupils |
Improve support and provision for eFSM pupils |
Provision and support available, including intervention is targeted to eFSM learners |
Activity in this academic year
This details how we intend to spend our PDG this academic year to achieve the intended
outcomes listed above
Teaching and learning
Budget- £66091
Develop and embed consistent approaches to delivery, Tracking and monitoring of Skills Provision (Literacy/Numeracy) across the school (SDP 1.1 2024/25) |
Leader of learning for Numeracy - £10,650 |
Leader of learning for Literacy - £11,028 |
Literacy interventions - £23,596 |
Testing - £3,552 |
Homework club - £3,776 |
Literacy/Numeracy resources - £13,489 |
Community Focused to include: building strong partnerships with families, responding to the needs of the community
Budget - £29,380
Develop and embed consistent approaches to delivery, Tracking and monitoring of Skills Provision (for EFSM through RADY) across the school (SDP 1.1 2024/25) |
Contribution towards Trips/activities – £6,147
Purchase of uniform and related items - £800
Access to curriculum - £6,755 |
Faculty bids for access to curriculum - £15,678 |
Wider strategies to include whole school approaches, curriculum and qualifications
Budget - £169,029
Develop and embed consistent approaches to delivery, Tracking and monitoring of Skills Provision (for EFSM through RADY) across the school (SDP 1.1 2024/25) |
Leader of learning for EFSM/Rady = £9,024
Rady Coaching = £438 |
Continue to review and adapt the whole school pastoral and wellbeing systems to promote and support positive pupil behaviour and reduce exclusions (31. SDP 2024/25) |
Behaviour Manager – £39,416 |
Ready 2 Learn provision - £33,237 |
Leadership capacity – £8,916 |
Pass survey – £1,840 |
External Interventions (Baxter Project/Flourish - £4,810 |
Rewards – £10,321 |
Review and further develop the systems and procedures in place to enhance Pupil attendance and reduce levels of persistent absenteeism (3.2 SDP 2024/25) |
Attendance Manager – £38,855 |
Persistent lateness support - £2,760 |
Attendance administrator - £19,412 |
Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year
PDG outcomes
This details the impact that our PDG activity had on pupils in the 2023 to 2024 academic
Activity |
Impact |
Leaders of Learning for EDSM/MAT |
eFSM outcomes generally in-line with predictions and target grades |
Access to curriculum for EFSM Leaners |
Increased engagement, attendance and outcomes – in-line with predictions |
Closing the Gap funding for Faculties |
Increased engagement of eFSM pupils in faculty activities including school production, trips and cooking |
Literacy and numeracy intervention for identified students |
Targeted catch-up for vulnerable pupils to maximise NNT and NRT scores |
Attendance Manager and support interventions |
Attendance of eFSM pupil increased |
Behaviour Manager and support interventions |
Engagement with programme increased, however exclusions for eFSM did not decrease |
Externally provided programmes
Please include the names of any programmes that you purchased in the previous academic
year. This will help us identify which ones are popular in Wales.
Programme Provider