Bedwas High School, Newport Road, Bedwas, Caerphilly, CF83 8BJ

02920 859800

Bedwas High School

Caring and Achieving

  1. School Life
  2. ClassCharts


Bedwas High School uses ClassCharts extensively to support learning, rewards and aids communication with parents/carers and our students. ClassCharts is a website (and App) that allows teachers to create a customizable classroom seating chart that best supports learning for each student. We also use the software to track student behaviour, attendance and academic progress, of each student. Notes that teachers add are included in reports that staff analyse and help us track student academic progress and participation from day to day.


ClassCharts creates reports at both the class and student level that support us in tracking behaviour patterns and provide assistance when discussing behaviours with both parents/carers and students. It also lets members of the school community be part of the process through the collaboration tool. By providing parents access to their child's profile (through a secure log-in and password on the ClassCharts website or App), the site can promote a team effort between home and school to support a student. Since parents/carers can access their child’s information through the website or an App, it has helped put all our teachers and parents/carers on the same page to best support our students. As soon as your child is awarded a positive achievement (point) in school or is given a consequence for negative behaviour then you will be alerted. This allows parents/carers to have an excellent understanding of how their child is progressing in school.  There is also a pupil app for them to see their own progress and reflect on their achievement & behaviour. Pupils and parents have said that ClassCharts motivates & engages pupils. We are seeking to develop this with a launch of a rewards store, which will be fully customised to meet the requests of our pupils.


We also use ClassCharts to record homework (on top of the Year 7 and 8 pupil planners). Through the website and the app you’ll be able to see what homework your child has been given and when it is due for submission. ClassCharts allows the school to track homework submissions by pupils and support accordingly.


We also use ClassCharts to support pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN.) Each pupils’ Individual Development Plan is stored securely on the system and allows for each teacher to keep informed of the latest strategies and targets on pupils’ learning plans and provision information to support the learning and provide feedback on the plans.


The ClassCharts system is really simple and adaptable so that we have been able to create a completely personalised system that works for our school community. More information can be found on this link: ClassCharts - Parent Guide