Bedwas High School, Newport Road, Bedwas, Caerphilly, CF83 8BJ

02920 859800

Bedwas High School

Caring and Achieving

  1. School Life
  2. Wellbeing


At the heart of wellbeing at Bedwas High School is Restorative Approaches. This focuses on building, maintaining and repairing relationships. We work restoratively in order to have:

  • A more respectful climate
  • A shift away from sanction-based responses that aim to ‘manage’ behaviour, towards a more relational approach
  • Better relationships amongst children and staff
  • People being more honest and willing to accept responsibility
  • People feeling more supported when things go wrong
  • A calmer, quieter and more productive learning environment

    We find that working restoratively relationships are stronger and learning is more effective, resulting in less need to resort to sanctions and punishments.

    We are committed to a whole-school restorative approach, as this has been proven to be the most effective method to reducing bullying, exclusions, classroom disruption and truancy.

    Bedwas High School will not tolerate any form of bullying. If an incident is reported, it will be dealt with promptly and thoroughly.

    What pupils should do:
  • Pupils who suffer or witness bullying should report incidents to a member of staff
  • Year 7 pupils may also report incidents to any pupils who are peer mentors
  • Pupils who suffer cyber bullying should save texts and print off online messages so that evidence is available if needed
  • Pupils should report incidents to their parents/carers

    What parents/carers should do:
  • If parents/carers are concerned about any incident involving pupils, they should contact the school’s Wellbeing Team by phone, in writing (letter or email) or in person.

One of our pupils has written and recorded her first single and music video which has an anti-bullying theme and message.

Healthy Schools

The Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes was launched in 1999 to encourage the development of local healthy school schemes within a national framework. 

The Welsh Government and Public Health Wales have provided funding and guidance to help health and education services working in partnership to set up and run local healthy school schemes in all 22 local authorities across Wales. 

The Healthy Schools Team in Bedwas High work with pupils, teachers, parents and a range of partners to improve the health of the whole school community. Our primary aim is to develop a whole school approach to health through 7 key areas:

  • Food and Fitness
  • Mental and Emotional Health and Well-being
  • Personal Development and Relationships
  • Environment
  • Substance use and misuse
  • Safety
  • Hygiene

    Bedwas High School begun its journey in the scheme in 2008. We are very proud that we have achieved the phase 5 award.
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