Bedwas High School, Newport Road, Bedwas, Caerphilly, CF83 8BJ

02920 859800

Bedwas High School

Caring and Achieving

  1. Parents
  2. School Meals/Canteen

School Meals at Bedwas High school



Free School Meals

The system works exactly the same for all pupils whether they pay or have a free school meal. 

Pupils entitled to Free School Meals will automatically be allocated £2.60 each day on their Cashless System account. The money allocated will be accessible at break time and lunchtime.

However, any underspend or missed dinner will be identified by the system and will not be added to the next day’s balance. The free school allowance meal must be taken on the day it is issued.

Pupils can add extra cash to their balance by using the top-up terminal located in the Canteen to enable a greater daily spend on the school dinner than allocated by their free school meal allowance.

There is no queueing to be issued with a ‘free meal’ ticket or ‘free meal register’ at the till point.

To find out if you are eligible for free school meal allowance, please phone 01443 864055 or follow this link: 


Cashless Catering

Pupils at Bedwas High School use our voluntary Biometric Recognition System as a means of paying for their food and drink at all times of the day.

The Uniware (EPoS) Software we use allows the system to recognise each individual pupil by their fingerprint or via a card with a unique barcode on it. Each pupil has an individual cash balance which records cash spent and cash received, where money is spent and on what food at any specific date and time of day. Pupils simply place their finger or card on a scanner at a point of sale; a display will show the server the pupil’s name, class and the current balance held within the system. The selected food items are entered into the system from an itemised keyboard while the amount spent and the new cash balance shows on the display.

Money can be entered into the system:

  1. By paying online. For more information please visit:
  2. By Cash: The terminal is located in the canteen.


Please visit My School Lunch for more information on school lunches, which is Caerphilly’s school meal website. It is for young people and full of great advice and competitions. You will find help, support and advice on looking after yourself, eating the right food and exercising.

Secondary Schools Catering Price List

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UPAY Chilli links and guide

 Secondary Schools Catering Price List 2023.pdfDownload
 Upaychilli Info pack -.pdfDownload
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