Bedwas High School, Newport Road, Bedwas, Caerphilly, CF83 8BJ

02920 859800

Bedwas High School

Caring and Achieving

  1. School Life
  2. Tracking


Formal internal examinations are set in most subject areas between the months of March and June for Years 7 and 8. This is on top of regular classroom assessments.


Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress in various ways. Three ‘snapshots; are sent home at specific times of the school year which update pupils and parents on how well pupils are doing. As well as these, formative reports are written once a year, whilst Year 9 also receive an additional summary sheet reporting on their end of Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessment levels.  These full reports are sent out by email unless a paper copy is requested.


Pupils are given the opportunity to reflect on how well they are progressing and to set themselves individual targets for improvement. Parents are also given the opportunity to comment on their child’s progress. In addition, parents are sent a copy of the Literacy and Numeracy reports for the National tests that are produced exclusively by external agencies on behalf of the Welsh Government.


Tracking Pupil Progress and Parents’ Evenings

Each pupil in Years 7, 8 and 9 is set a grade for each subject which at Year 8 and 9 corresponds with the end of Key Stage 3 target level for each subject. Their subject teachers then judge whether or not they are on track to reach that target grade, four times a year (three ‘snapshots’ and the formal report). The information is held on our whole school tracking system. Each pupil is given the opportunity to discuss their progress with their form tutor and support is given to those who fall below their expected level of attainment from the pupils’ Standards Manager. Parents are emailed a copy of their progress sheet to keep them informed on how well their child is progressing (again paper copies can be requested).


There is one Parent Consultation Evening for every year group each year. Parents are able to discuss any concerns with a teacher during these evenings. If there are issues that need to be discussed at any other time of the year, the school may be contacted and an appointment made with the member of staff concerned or their line manager, at a mutually convenient time.


Monitoring Underachievement

If underachievement becomes apparent and pupils are not on track to reach their target grades then the Standards Manager or Head of Faculty for a particular subject may get involved. Subject teachers may be asked to write an ‘interim report’ on a pupil to check on progress and outline areas of concern. Parents may be contacted at any time to discuss progress. There may be occasions where a pupil may be placed on ‘daily report’ to monitor their progress and this report would be signed by pupils and parents.